Ardnamurchan meet

By Richard

The meet happened, and to all those who said it'd be wet, it wasn't, at least not all the time, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons bothgave very pleasant climbing conditions. None of us - me, Joe and Rob, Veronika, her mate Vera, and Sandra L - climbed on Saturday though as it was nice and sunny and we all piled down the beach, me and the boys going in in wetsuits for a prolonged play and the girls braving it in just cozzies. After a good Saturday night during which I was compelled to drink whisky we climbed at Button Slab on the Ring Crags on Sunday afternoon. It was the last place, I think, where Russell rock climbed on a similar sunny and rainy day, and I recalled his enthusiasm as he led a route. It has 3-4 vDiff/severes, which gave Veronika some leading practice and Joe, 15, his first lead.
Sunday night started with a barbecue and loads of food, including mussels collected by Sandra on her walk of the day. It was enlivened by the arrival of Mudman Dave, who'd been walking a bit further East. The pub was good, the landlord, Cliff, as ever was amenable, and the pub garden was a decent campsite, with the midges not too horrendous. Recommended for next year.