Written by Steven Johnson
The Christmas meet was well attended this year, with 16 people gathering for the meal on Saturday night. Before the celebrations there were some winter conditions to go and explore. We were based at Waters Cottage, a hut belonging to the Fell & Rock Climbing Club, which is a huge amalgamation of two buildings and, fortunately, a dining room with two tables large enough to fit us all around.
On the Saturday groups split off to brave the wintery conditions. Flo, Atzin, Ruth and Christabel climbed Sgòr Eilde Beag and Na Gruagaichean from the hut. Diane and Lorna walked up Sgòr Eilde Mòr, also going from the door. Others headed to Glencoe for winter climbing, there was new snow and the chance of climbing was not known until they reached the crags. A team of Steven, Rob, Chris, Rebecca and Richard headed to Corrie nan Lochan to climb Dorsal Arete, they had a long day starting and ending in the dark but a successful climb mostly sheltered from the wind. Colin and Cam went for the other side of the glen climbing the tricky Òganach Chimney on Am Bodach.
In the evening Lorna and Christabel had prepared the most excellent Christmas feast. The meal consisted of four chickens, pigs in blankets, stuffing, loads of veg and enough roast potatoes to sink a canoe. With the addition of crackers, and the mandatory donning of paper crowns, there was an excellent evening and everyone warmed up and shared stories from the day.
The next day the forecast rain was pouring down, even the hardier members of the club were not willing to head out into the wet conditions. After breakfast and a rapid clean-up of the hut everyone headed home, happy with their decision as the ran lashed down on the windscreen. Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a fantastic meet, especially the cooks for the amazing meal.