Inver Croft meet, Sept 3-5

By Lorna

Picked up Diane and Alie on Friday night along with all the food Alie had prepared for the dinner on Saturday night and it was placed next to all the wood I had promised to bring for the fire.

It was a long drive up but not having seen the girls for so long the time flew past. We arrived at the hut just in time to meet Alan and then hand off some of the bags that we needed help bringing in as it was a 5-10 min walk in and we were the last to arrive, so we were all heavily ladened.

By the time we arrived the fire was on, and the drinks had been opened (the only way it ever should be). It was my first meet since we were locked down from Covid, so it was great to see people again and it was like we had never been apart.

The majority of the group decided to tackle Liathach the next day under Steven’s lead, Lyle and Alan decided to do a climb on Beinn Eighe and Rob and Chris picked another munro not far from the hut, Oh and Cameron did the Laithach but from the completely different way we were doing it. However, he still managed to meet up with us on the top of the first munro while we were having our lunch and enjoying the view……And what a view!!! The clouds had lifted, and the utter splendor of the mountain lay before us in all its beauty, absolutely stunning and it took your breath away the minute you reached the summit and looked out at the walk before us.

Suitably rested and fed we headed on down the path that Cameron must have sprinted up! Going down the boulder field was one of the worst bits of the walk as I managed to lodge my foot in between two rocks and was struggling to lift it off my ankle, with the stories of previously broken ankles floating around my head, wasn’t good. But managed to free my foot and with some pain killers and compeed walked on. I was not going back!!

The pinnacles were amazing and lots of fun to be back climbing and scrambling over the rock. There were a few challenges but a group we worked together, and everyone had a fantastic time. The feel of the rock under our hands was like a handshake from a very old dear friend you hadn’t seen in a long while and you just didn’t want to let go of. I’d forgotten how much I loved and missed it.

The walk up to the last munro was quick and drama-free and then it was the long and unrelenting slog down the scree field. I think I can safely say I was not the only one creaking with sore bones, toes, and muscles at the end of it. But we completed it as a group in 8 hours which wasn’t bad. Then piled into the campervan and back to the cars and back to the hut for a much-earned drink and Alie’s lamb tagine – which everyone on the hill that I met knew about it….ud be surprised to hear.

The last back in from the walk was Lyle and Alan – they had had a long day and they were very grateful for their dinner. Craig had got a bit lost doing a booze run but we kept him a plate as he had an important mission.

Everyone had had a brilliant day – no epics to report just lots of fun and lots of very tired bodies.

Sunday was a much more relaxed affair with the group splitting up to do a wee bit climbing or a wee munro or a wee stopover in Aviemore before all getting home safe and sound with some brilliant memories of a great weekend, great company, and great food.